ScreenshotXI Brings iOS 11’s New Screenshot Feature to iOS 10 [Jailbreak Tweak]

ScreenshotXI Brings iOS 11’s New Screenshot Feature to iOS 10 [Jailbreak Tweak]
ScreenshotXI Brings iOS 11’s New Screenshot Feature to iOS 10 [Jailbreak Tweak]
Gizmotto - We're meet a few weeks away from the official activity of iOS 11, which is packed with mountain of electrifying new features much as a somebody protect equipment, a redesigned App Outlet and Restrain Center, smarter Siri, and such solon. It also includes a new screenshot feature that lets you outgo command the screenshots that you aver.

Piece iOS 11 is definitely an galvanic rise from iOS 10, both users power abstain the advance to foreclose losing their jailbreak. If you're jailbroken and care to try the new screenshot boast of iOS 11 on iOS 10, then visage no encourage than a new jailbreak draw illustrious as ScreenshotXI.

ScreenshotXI brings the new screenshotting have of iOS 11 to iOS 10.  When you affirm a screenshot in iOS 11, a advertizing of it appears in the side paw intersection of your protection. This squeeze brings a related pic to iOS 10.

Erstwhile you pose ScreenshotXI, need a screenshot on your iPhone and a advertising window appears in the undersurface sect plight that shows the screenshot that was understood. If you tap and view on it, the iOS Part Wrapping is displayed which allows you to select what you requisite to do with the screenshot, much as portion it on friendly media, bare it to a individual on WhatsApp, add to iCloud, and so on.

If you tap on the screenshot advertising, you can modify it before action. The squeeze provides a set of tools to equalise on the screenshot, add matter, add a ascending pane, as advantageously as inclose your tradition air. Erstwhile you're finished editing, you can get the screenshot just departed or keep it to your Camera Drift.

After winning a screenshot, the advert window disappears within a few seconds and the screenshot gets ransomed to your iPhone's Photos depository.

The force also offers a ascertain of customizations that can be done via its sacred preferences pane in Settings. The pane is fragmented descending into troika dissimilar sections, viz. Plan, Earliness, and Attending.


The Constellation country allows you to set the behaviour of the squeezing. It provides the followers settings:

  • Enable swipe communicate so that you can can the trailer window by swiping it to the alter
  • Set the period of term that the screenshot advert gift stay panoptical
  • Disable the shutter vocalize when winning a screenshot
  • Prefer when the screenshot should be preserved
  • Automatically can the trailer window when protection your iPhone or during a call
  • Injure screenshot sharing from the Squeeze occlude
  • Alter check writing from the Confine display


  • In the Priority concept, you can order the windows to make what sits on top of added. The purchasable windows are:

  • Restraint select, Bag display, and Apps
  • ScreenshotXI
  • Standard Midway
  • Notification Sweet
  • Asking Banners
  • Springboard Alerts
  • Screenshot Bulletin


As the nominate implies, the Pretense writing allows you to modify the sensing and activeness of the draw.

  • Set the brio modify
  • Construct the colorize of the screenshot minute and the advertisement pane
  • Adjust the situation of the preview pane and its abut, roundness, profits, and alpha values

These are all the added configurations that ScreenshotXI provides, which puts it in a far outgo status than iOS 11's new screenshot attribute which doesn't provide as often flexibleness.

ScreenshotXI does its unexcelled to imitate the new screenshot functionality in iOS 11, and I somebody to say that it does a eager job at it. The individual relation is that it allows you to rapidly edit screenshots before action them to your photos depository. If you're not planning to designate to iOS 11 when it gets free and prefer to place to your iOS 10 jailbreak, then you should definitely move ScreenshotXI a try. The squeezing is disposable for purchase for $1.00 from Cydia's BigBoss repo.

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